We love Times Tables Rock Stars! Who doesn’t? Every school we go to features a TT Rock Stars display board with ‘Battle of the Bands’ Leader Boards. The best part is the excitement in learning that TT Rock Stars generates – with teachers, children, as well as parents and carers.
Why does this happen? It’s simple really – they make learning key facts fun. What can be better than gamifying essential numeracy skills for life?
Times Tables Rock Stars & Tagtiv8 – a Shared Ethos
Times Tables Rock Stars and Tagtiv8 were both formed by teachers with a passion for making a difference to the lives of children – and teachers! We are both committed to making learning fun, active and relevant. We both also feature in HundrED’s Top 100 Global education Innovations for 2019.
Working & Playing with TT Rock Stars & Tagtiv8
Would you like to help your children develop their understanding of Multiplication with a Times Tables Activity Day?
We can work and play with some or all of your children – focussing on their chosen times tables. How do we do this?
- Using Tagtiv8 number games to generate enthusiasm for Mathematics
- Blending Tagtiv8 ‘move & learn’ approaches with the TT Rock Stars platform
- Introducing the children & teachers to new games such as ‘Riff! Rap! Kerrang! and ‘Guitar Jumps!’
- Enabling teachers with skills to deliver their own ‘move & learn’ approaches for multiplication
Check out how ‘move & learn’ in Mathematics works across all languages…
???? (eus) Mugitu eta ikasi, biderkatzeko taulak errepasatzen.
???? (es) Moverse y aprender, repasando las tablas de multiplicar.
⚫ (en) Following the example of the students of @InfantPurston (Yorkshire-England)#PertsonaAktiboak #moveandlearn #EreduOnakHezkuntza pic.twitter.com/la7eD8A0Ku— Mugiment (@mugimenteuskadi) March 22, 2019
Our ‘move & learn’ approaches engage even the most reluctant of learners and those children with a fear of Mathematics…
It’s not just about the smiles – Tagtiv8 really does work as well as play. The NESTA recognised research by Dr Andy Daly-Smith at Leeds Beckett University demonstrates impact on cognition as well as levels of physical activity.
How do we Book a TT Rock Stars Tagtiv8 Times Tables Day?
Simply drop us a line at hello@tagtiv8.com or give us a call on 020 3370 4272 to discuss availability and practicalities.
TT Rock Star & Tagtiv8 Times Tables Days are bespoke to the needs of your school, learners and teachers.
We can offer:
- assemblies to launch the day or celebrate the event at the end of the day
- physically active learning sessions for whole classes or targeted groups of children
- a working lunch for key teachers
- an after-school CPD session for all staff
- resources and practical ideas to engage all learners – from EYFS to Y6
- plus lots more!
Looking forward to mixing Multiplication, Music & Movement!