Dream BIG - TEDx Talk - Physically Active Learning
As you know, Tagtiv8 always welcome opportunities to share our research and ideas about Physically Active Learning (PAL) with others. So, when someone suggested we do a TEDx talk at #TEDxNorwichED, we decided to pitch our Dream BIG idea to the organisers and surprisingly, made the cut. After hours of scripting and redrafting, Andy Daly-Smith and I met to start rehearsals. Bearing in mind, I have always considered myself to be a ‘roadie, as opposed to someone in the spotlight, this was a huge step away from my comfort zone - a real mix of emojis came to mind!
The organisation of such an event - 450 in the audience with 27,000 live streaming - was incredible. The preparation had been meticulous, albeit with a few minor hiccups that nobody in the audience noticed.
Every single presenter was awesome in their own individual way. There were laughs, wobbly chin moments, provocation and even a few balloons bursting! To each and every one of you, a huge THANK YOU!
A Mazy Run - Working with School Leaders
The day before we were due to set off to TEDx, we got a call from Yorkshire Sport Foundation, asking us to ‘come off the bench and lead 2 workshops with 80 school leaders in York. So a mazy run led us north up the A1 rather than down the A1. That said, the detour gave us longer to rehearse. We arrived at the venue for #TEDxNorwichED in the early evening so we could do a sound check and work out the logistics for the lighting for our props. Arriving the evening before meant we could meet the team behind the event, led by the wonderful Tim Handley and Sarah Brownsword. We also watched ‘unplugged versions by 2 fellow presenters, Action Jackson (video) and Elizabeth Wright (video).who blew us away completely with their humility, honesty and inspiration.The BIG Day - TEDx
And so to the day itself…a chance to Dream BIG and share our TEDx talk with Andy Daly-Smith!

The TEDx Talks - The TEDx Videos
Sadly, there isn’t enough room to mention everyone, but in addition to Jackson and Elizabeth, we’d like to BIG UP the following people:- Angie Browne, a Head Teacher who believes in nourishing children and school communities (video).
- Jonathan Drane for his wit and words about challenging perceptions - his own included (video).
- Clare and Rosie - a mother and daughter - who shared their #familyMH5aday message (video).
- Richard Johnson, Kirsty and Mia Perrin - another family who talked about the way we can shape our thinking (video).
- Viv Porritt, a school leader, who encouraged to to reconsider the term, ‘Normal and what it actually means (video).
- The Junior TEDx speakers!!
- Dominic Traynor from a Tale Unfolds, whose performance was epic. We loved the way Dom helps schools move learners from pupil voice to pupil action (video).
- Stephen Lockyer - a man whose performance was ‘shambolically beautiful or ‘beautifully shambolic. Either way, the message of innovation across the curriculum was inspirational (video).

Call to Action
We encourage you to view all the videos in your own time. Find out which ones truly inspire YOU and then ask yourselves what you can do to put the words and thoughts into action. We also hope that this time next year some of you might be signposting us to your own TEDx Talk video. In the words of Action Jackson: Dream Big Right Now Never Give Up You’re Amazing Huge thanks to the following:- Sir Ken Robinson for the initial inspiration and words
- Michael Rosen for permission to use his poem, 'The Data Have Landed', continued provocation and inspiration
- The Boy Wonder for patience and more
- Buzz Burman, EST Display & Hft for graphics and printing
- Photos c/o Emily Amos
- Rebecca Osborne for graphic recordings