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Pudsey - What it means to Tagtiv8
Mention the name ‘Pudsey’ and most people will think of the yellow bear with the distinctive dotty eye patch who emerges every year as part of BBC Children in Need. Most people outside of Yorkshire will probably be unaware that Pudsey is a market town with its own unique identity, situated between Leeds - where our Tagtiv8 kit is printed - and Bradford - where the kit is assembled, stored and distributed ℅ those wonderful folk at Hft. To find out more, click here and here. Last week we visited 2 of the many primary schools in Pudsey: Pudsey Bolton Royd PS and Southroyd PS to deliver an Activity Day and CPD sessions for staff. Yet again, we were blown away by the energy of the children and staff as they embraced our active learning approaches. There were many smiles over the 2 days but the funniest moment had to be Amrit, a Year 5 child, who challenged the opposition with the cry: “Come on! You know you want my numbers!” as she wove in and out of the playing area, dodging the other players.
Children In Need and Tagtiv8
We were hoping to be in Pudsey for Children in Need on Friday, but we were already booked to work/play with teachers and children in Ireland. However, we still wanted to do something special for Children in Need and therefore have decided to run a competition for our followers to join in with. As part of Children in Need, we are more than happy to offer an Active Afternoon to a school in Leeds...as long as they promise to make a contribution to Children in Need in lieu of our time. To enter the competition, all you have to do is tell us how your school participated in this year’s Children in Need event. The winner will be drawn on the 4th of December and we promise to deliver your Active Afternoon in January to kick off the new term with something exciting. Enter our competition
here. Good luck!