Why Tagtiv8 Love Outdoor Classroom Day – Including a Hidden Surprise.

Outdoor Classroom Day Around The World

Remember back in May when schools in the UK and Ireland took part in Outdoor Classroom Day? 1,664,218 children took part globally, including 507,325 in the UK! The thought of that many children, teachers, and schools participating in an active way of learning on the same day is absolutely awesome. The sheer number of people taking part in Outdoor Classroom Day is energising. The strong sense of a global community opening the minds of children gets others thinking and talking about the benefits too. At Tagtiv8, we recognise the need for global communication. Learning is universal and if there’s a good idea that works for children in one country, why not spread ideas as far as possible to as many countries as possible? This is why we have decided to help spread the word of the Outdoor Classroom Day - taking place on the 7th of September. Wouldn’t it be great to get more schools involved world wide, including the UK, and know that children all around the world are taking part in something together?

Take Learning Global

Tagtiv8 are no strangers to sharing their ideas worldwide and have worked with schools across the globe! Take a look at one of our previous blog posts here and see why we love sharing information, games, and ideas around the world. https://vimeo.com/130727753

Get Inspired and Join In

The great thing about Outdoor Classroom Day is the variety of ways that you can participate – by searching #OutdoorClassroomDay on twitter you can see all the innovative and creative way educators are getting involved and get some inspiration for your very own take on Outdoor Classroom Day. What better way to freshen your lessons than placing children in an outdoor setting and allow them to learn actively? With thought, an outdoor setting can be used for any lesson. These innovative ways engage children longer, whether it is a core subject, science or art. All curriculum areas can be taken outdoors. To find inspiring ways to participate, head to the Outdoor Classroom Day website! In celebration of Outdoor Classroom Day, Tagtiv8 are planning something special…something that will inspire and help provide you with ideas and resources to get children outdoors and learning in an active way on a regular basis. But what could it be?

It’s A Surprise…

To find out (and you will find out on the 7th of September) join us by following us on Facebook. In the meantime, have a think about some of the ideas that you could do for Outdoor Classroom Day and let us know your thoughts via social media! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTycdouHhd0