A Holiday on the Horizon?

Christmas is officially over! How do we know? The adverts for holidays in 2020 are already upon us - in abundance! One advert in particular took us back to a particular holiday in Greece - when we visited the site of the first modern Olympics in Athens. Greece Holiday - Olympic Stadium, Athens

From UK to Greece and Back

Panathenaic Stadium tour over, we unpacked some Tagtiv8 tags and cones and began to play. The tourists seemed to enjoy the games as much as we did! The first game was originally devised in by Hannah from Leeds. Watch the video here...
Active Learning in Athens #1 from Tagtiv8. Tagtiv8 are advocates of global learning and love to spread the active learning message around the world. We really got a buzz by the fact that these ideas for games were played in such a historic location. Learning outdoors is essential - with benefits on so many levels. Taking children outdoors helps them enjoy learning and retain information more readily. Back to the adverts, how many nudge you with BOGOF? That's right - Buy One Get one Free! With this in mind, here's another idea for a 'move & learn' game - this time inspired by the wonderful OnlineKTV...
Active Learning in Athens #2 from Tagtiv8.

Looking Ahead - at Home and on Holiday

We can’t wait to see where we go next and help share the amazing benefits of physically active learning. Meanwhile, try out these ideas and let us know how you get on. Share your thoughts, images and videos, wherever you are - at home or on holiday. We always credit the people who have helped Tagtiv8 create new games. Their ideas - sometimes bizarre but always wonderful - are shared with schools and active learning communities.