Working & Playing with Awesome People - Thank You Village Primary School
We get to visit many schools when we deliver our Activity Days and CPD packages. Invariably, we leave with smiles on our faces. This week, we left the Village Primary School in Teesside with huge, beaming grins - not only because they are a UNICEF Rights Respecting School, but because they are a school with a wonderful vision and a mission.
As we set up for our day in ‘The Cage we were approached by curious, polite children, eager to find out more about what was in store for them. The warm welcome we received continued throughout the rest of the day.
During the day, we worked/played with children from EYFS through to Year 6. We even got to share active learning ideas and games through a celebratory assembly at the end of the day.
The sessions with EYFS and Year 1 were particularly awesome - with Eureka moments and 2 new games created in amongst. Huge thanks to the children and teachers for inspiring us. We will share the new games in due course - watch this space!
The CPD session with staff was wonderful! It was clear from the start that these teachers and support staff are committed to making a real difference to the lives of children and families. This has to be the most amazing School Improvement Plan target we have ever seen...
Whole School Outcome Target 3: To embed Active Learning across the curriculum to improve outcomes for all children.
Thank you to Claire, Rob and the rest of the team at Village Primary School. We look forward to returning to Teesside soon!