The Ultimate Mathematics Teaching Tool?
Back in the day when our Director was a primary teacher, he used various resources to help children develop a greater understanding of numbers and the number system. Armed with boxes of counters, Dienes, cuisenaire rods, multi-link, multi-bond, number lines and 100 squares, he would create problems to be solved and investigations to be erm, investigated.
While reading a recent article by @ThisisLiamM and @edubloke at @PrimaryIdeas, our Director recalled a bygone Numeracy INSET session, whereby the ‘latest greatest mathematics teaching tool was revealed...the Counting Stick!
The day after reading the article, we were talking to a Head Teacher, who was telling us that he and his staff considered our Number kit to be one of their most versatile resources to help deliver the Mathematics National Curriculum. It brought to mind the words of Andy Gaunt, Head Teacher at Greengates Primary School when he told AussieED:
We bought Tagtiv8 a few months back and it lived under my desk for a while - big mistake! As soon as we opened it and explored the possibilities, we were astounded by the mathematical opportunities it offers, particularly the language and discussion of operations it encourages the children to do. Every class is now using Tagtiv8 to offer maths in the wider curriculum. It is being used for a whole maths challenge day and is being proposed as a learning intervention next term. It is that good and that versatile to use.Needless to say, we were delighted to receive such great recommendations. So with this article and the comments from Head Teachers, we would like to introduce to you the new improved ‘latest greatest mathematics teaching tool... [gallery columns="2" ids="654,653,652,650"] The physical part of our unique active learning games link perfectly to the various mental challenges teachers set their Learners, the results of which can then be displayed, shared and discussed on our Score Zones. This unique approach is then taken to the next level, when you utilise the best question a teacher can ever ask:
What do you notice?Whether this question relates to ordering, composition, patterns and/or missing numbers, this is one of the most perfect open ended questions to ask your Learners. You can then delve deeper by asking:
How do you know? Can you explain/prove why...Enjoy asking...