Tagtiv8 on Tour
We love to travel - any opportunity for Tagtiv8 to go on tour is always welcome. Why? It’s all about joining the dots - connecting like minded people. Thanks to wonderful people and organisations in Finland, Greece and Switzerland, Tagtiv8 have recently made their debuts in Thailand and Germany.
- 2019 Selected for the HundrED Collection for the first time
- 2020 Launches in Finland
- 2021 Launches in Argentina & Canada
- 2022 Launches in Greece
- 2023 Workshops in Switzerland with subsequent launches in Thailand & Germany
Tagtiv8 on Tour: Greece to Switzerland
When Tagtiv8 launched in Greece ℅ the incredible Sports Paths, we were introduced to the equally incredible Stratos Alexandropoulos, who led the programme on the island of Tilos. As well as supporting the programme online, we were able to visit Tilos for ourselves and see the programme in action.
Tagtiv8 on Tour: Switzerland to Thailand
Stratos signposted us to the Motor Skill Learning Academy. Conversations with the inspirational founder, Dominique Chiquet led to an invite to present 3 workshops in Basel in August, 2023. Here, we were astounded to find 70+ teachers from 30+ countries ready to share research and ideas about Sport, PE and PA from their parts of the world. The first session was remarkably successful, so much so that the founder of International Christian School Nonthaburi asked, “How much does the Tagtiv8 resource weigh?” The answer to this strange question only dawned when their PE Lead carried the box out of the venue and headed off to the airport at the end of the conference.
Tagtiv8 on Tour: Switzerland to Germany
The second and third Tagtiv8 workshops were equally successful. Conversations continued online and later that month, we received an email from Uli, a teacher in Germany: “We look forward to being a Tagtiv8-school - the programme is one of the best I have seen in the last years! Thank you so much for helping our school get more attractive and lovely!” Maybe Google Translate meant, “...helping our school get more active and lively” However, you never know. We think Tagtiv8 is gorgeous, but we are biassed. Since then we have discovered that "Juhuuuuu, jipiiiiiiiie!" equates to Hurrah!
Tagtiv8 on Tour: Digital
Now that our planning sessions are online, it’s easier to share our ideas globally, as well as regionally and nationally. The user-friendly portal means that teachers can simply navigate themselves to ideas that will help their children ‘move & learn'.
Do you want to want to join the list of pioneering schools in countries across the world? To find out more, contact us:
- hello@tagtiv8.com
- +44 7506523354