Remote Learning in Lockdown 3.0
CoronaVirus (COVID-19) has well and truly returned this month. One day we were leading a training session with the forward-thinking team at Northampton Town FC Community Trust. Five hours later, all our scheduled CPD sessions and Activity Days for this half term were put on hold as Lockdown 3.0 was announced. It's now a return to teaching and learning in bubbles for some - supplemented by remote learning at home for many.
We have 2 Calls to Action - the first is for teachers and school leaders. As former teachers, we know how time consuming it is to prepare lessons that engage all children. Whether you are using Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Google Classroom, Oak National Academy or another platform, please create opportunities for your children to move. Looking at the latest guidance from DfE and Ofsted, always use your professionalism - are there ways to limit the amount of screen and sedentary time each day - for your children and yourselves?
Otherwise, there is a danger that you could turn certain children off learning completely, as seen in the words of this student in Year 7 after his third 1 hour lesson of the morning:
As we know from the first lockdown, there are many opportunities to move & learn via remote learning. Here are just a few suggestions. Simply follow these links and get moving and learning. Share what you do with others & using #moveandlearn.
Most teachers and families will already be familiar with the BBC Bitesize from Lockdown 1.0. How many awesome lessons are there? There are so many & for children in KS1 and KS2 and beyond. It’s not just Maths and English & all subjects are included! We love the fact that the BBC Bitesize team have incorporated BBC Supermovers videos into the lessons for primary children. They are definitely a great way to energise the viewers and get them off their backsides.
As to getting children - and their families - off their sofas and off their backsides, step forward the incredible Body Coach, Joe Wicks. It's more HIIT than PE, but it works - Go Joe Go! We love the way you combine physical and emotional well-being with nutrition.
We also think you’ll enjoy these ideas from Nike Active Kids Do Better. On the subject of Nike & the Greek goddess of victory & you may like to check out the ideas in this blog post, ‘A Postcard from Greece. Staying with Greece and the Olympics, we love the resources from Get Set Tokyo.
If you are stuck at home, check out these ideas and resources created by our wonderful friends from Yorkshire and beyond:
“That was so boring. You don't learn anything - you just sit there listening to a teacher talking at you with a powerpoint. You have to sit there on mute. This is nothing like normal school - I can't do this for another day."
The second Call to Action is for parents and carers:“Be mindful & we are in danger of information overload for home learning options. The most important thing is - where possible - we see these times as an opportunity to spend time with our children and learn in a different way.” Ian Holmes, JU:MP Consultant, Bradford.
Remote Learning with the BBC

Remote Learning with Other Great People
Check out Change 4 Life & and We were so inspired by their Train like a Jedi campaign, we created our own ideas here.
- #ThisIsPE with Yorkshire Sport Foundation
- JU:MP at Home
- PE Umbrella
- TT RockStars
- Night Zookeeper
- Moki
Teachers to the Rescue
Some of the ideas in this table have been put together by teachers. Since then, we discovered many teachers who are freely sharing their ideas and/or curating the content of others. We need to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Miss K, a primary teacher in London - and others - for their awesome EYFS ideas.Our Move & Learn Challenges at Home
As you know, we love being creative & as indeed are most of the schools with whom we work and play. So here’s a creative challenge for you & how can you link moving and learning with technology at home? Here’s a starter for you & watch this video…- Can you think of ways to move while Alexa recites these multiples?
- Can you create a dance routine & or maybe a clapping game?
- Could you create the multiples with playing cards or digi-cards?
- Could you use your body to create the multiples?
- Will this work for other times tables?
Looking Ahead to a Wider Return
Since the initial lockdown, we have been working - and playing - with schools to develop new ways to support teachers. You may like to check out these posts - hopefully, they will whet your appetites to 'move & learn' at your school too:- Working & Playing with Parklands PS in Leeds
- Helping Schools Re-Open More Widely
- Lockdown 1.0 Ofsted Findings
- Tagtiv8 Saves Teachers Time & Helps Save the Planet
Remote Learning & Reading
During lockdown, it's always good to catch up with a great book. Where better to start than with Michael Rosen and his wonderful book, ‘Play. Read and do…