Postcard from Ireland

As the song goes, “It’s a long way to Tipperary…”. However, following an invitation from Leanne Lynch to work and play with learners and teachers at Convent Primary School in Nenagh, all it took was a drive to Birmingham and a flight to Shannon ℅ the friendly team at Aer Lingus. We had met Leanne at this year’s ‘Tech on the Tyne in Newcastle organised by our great friend, Animate2Educate. Leanne was impressed by what we were doing and emails followed, schedules arranged and flights were booked The welcome we received was the warmest ever...something very special indeed! To find out about the Activity Day at Leanne’s school, view the images and videos here. As to what the learners thought:

“I totally would love to do it again.”

“I thought it was really fun and enjoyable. I loved the way Tagtiv8 mixed sports and everyday activities.”

“I loved all the activities and I liked the way there was some maths involved.”

“I enjoyed Tagtiv8 today because the games were creative and educational as well as fun.”

“I loved how some games included maths as it really got me thinking.”

“My favourite aspect of the session was the competition. Although, I got a bit competitive, it was something I really liked. I enjoyed goofing around with my team and singing our ‘anthem with a celebratory dance. In conclusion, I would love to do it again!”

We were glowing at the tweets about our visit… Tagtiv8 TeachMeet ClareThe following day, we headed to Ennis for the very first TeachMeet in County Clare. TeachMeet Clare was organised by Leanne and hosted by the irrepressible Pat Hanrahan, Director of Clare Education Centre. We attend many Teach Meets, but  TeachMeet Clare was something else. Again, we were struck by the warmth and the friendliness of the people in the room. There were no egos - just a genuine desire to share ideas, gently provoke, talk and smile. At the end of the TeachMeet, we were honoured to be interviewed by Cara and Amy from the Youth Media Team. To hear the interview, click here. We highly recommend you listen to the interviews with Leanne and Pat.   Tagtiv8 TeachMeet Clare   If you scroll down, you will also find an interview with Mags Amond, reminiscing about Tim Rylands, whose life was being celebrated that same day back in the UK. We were fortunate to know Tim - a true gentleman and inspiration, whose legacy will continue. We are now looking forward to returning in 2018.