Post SATs Party
There's not many people - teachers or children - who enjoy SATs. Given the choice, we are not sure if any teachers or children would choose to do them. They take up so much time and effort, resulting in stress and a few tears. But hey, they are now done! We've seen the Post SATs Parties online! But now what? What do you do with your Year 6 children? Prepare for THE End of Year Show? Organise an Enterprise Week? Or are you lucky enough to be heading away for a residential visit?
Why nor move away from tradition and think differently? Why not consider a Crea(c)tivity Day with Tagtiv8?

What is a Crea(c)tivity Day?
A Crea(c)tivity Day with us is an ideal way to give real purpose to your Year 6 provision after their KS2 SATs. Year 6 learners get to play a range of our Physically Active Learning (PAL) games, before being given the opportunity to create & share their own games with younger children in your school. Our Crea(c)tivity Days are flexible so that they can fit around your school day & the needs of your learners. You can choose to focus on English or Mathematics...or maybe you would like to see both areas of the curriculum delivered in a fun & active way. Our team will work with you during the lead up, helping to select the groups & activities based on your needs & objectives.What does a Crea(c)tivity Day Involve?
- A series of PAL games for your Year 6 learners led by us
- Training for Year 6 learners to create & then lead games for younger children
- Access to templates & software to edit, display & share their games
- In-built CPD for the staff during the sessions
Why have a Year 6 Crea(c)tivity Day?
- These sessions give real purpose to learning opportunities for Year 6 learners in their final term at your school
- They help develop essential ‘soft skills in readiness for transition to secondary school
- A genuine legacy from their time at your school
- Access to the latest resources & planning

What are School Leaders & Teachers Saying?
“The kids & staff were glowing about Tagtiv8; what a fantastic idea! They all enjoyed it. Staff commented about how it inspired meaningful discussion & that’s what we need.” “Tagtiv8 is an innovative way to make best use of your PE School Sport Premium Funding.” "This is having a huge benefit in sparking children into maths." "It's great to support what you are doing with research, but I honestly think the proof is with the kids. They love it!"How Creative are the Children?
The answer to this is 'Very'. We continue to be WOWED by the ideas generated by the children. Some of the suggestions are beautifully bonkers, but they work! Check out just some of the ideas from Lower Fields Primary School in Bradford here and here.