Move and Learn at Home

CoronaVirus (COVID-19) has well and truly hit home this week. Major sporting events have been postponed or cancelled. Meanwhile, events we were due to attend in Budapest and Zagreb have been cancelled - with schools closing across Europe. So what happens with the children? Where and how will they learn? Step forward forward-thinking EdTech Impact and some quick-thinking as to how we can move and learn at home.

"Be mindful - we are in danger of information overload for home learning options.  The most important thing is we see these times as an opportunity to spend time with our children and learn in a different way." Ian Holmes, Head Teacher at Thorner Primary School, Leeds

How do we Move & Learn at Home?

There are many opportunities to move & learn at home. Here are just a few suggestions. Simply follow these links and get moving and learning. Share what you do with others - using #moveandlearn. Change 4 Life - and We were so inspired by their Train like a Jedi campaign, we created our own ideas here. Star Wars and Tagtiv8 How many awesome BBC Supermovers videos are there? There are so many - for children in KS1 and KS2. It's not just Maths and English - there's Science and PSHE and a Just for Fun section! Super Movers Speakers Super Movers - Playing With The Big Boys AND Girls - Tagtiv8 We also think you'll enjoy these ideas from Nike Active Kids Do Better. On the subject of Nike - the Greek goddess of victory - you may like to check out the ideas in this blog post, 'A Postcard from Greece'. Staying with Greece and the Olympics, we love the resources from Get Set Tokyo. If you are stuck at home, check out these ideas and resources created by our wonderful friends: Huge thanks to the inspirational Juliet Robertson from Creative STAR for these outdoor and nature-based ideas. We love what pioneering active partnerships are doing to support their communities. Check out this post from Get Berkshire Active. And what about the wonderful football community trusts who are sharing great ideas across the country. Here's just one example from Leicester City Community Trust - we love the way the resource evolves day by day. On the subject of evolving, check out the ideas from Evolve (SIC) here. We also think you will like what you see when you click on these links: [table id=1 /] For other free Tagtiv8 resources simply click on the relevant red button on our home page.

Our Move & Learn Challenge

As you know, we love being creative - as indeed are most of the schools with whom we work and play. So here's our creative challenge for you - how can you link moving and learning with technology at home? Here's a starter for you - watch this video...
  • Can you think of ways to move while Alexa recites these multiples?
  • Can you create a dance routine - or maybe a clapping game?
  • Could you create the multiples with playing cards or digi-cards?
  • Could you use your body to create the multiples?
  • Will this work for other times tables?
Share your responses with us and others - using #moveandlearn. We have prizes ready for the most creative responses!

Always Learning - Podcasts

Are you are a teacher or parent/carer with an interest in PE, Sport and Physical Activity? Make the most of this extra time and learn from the best. Check out the legend that is Ryan Ellis and his series of awesome podcasts.

Always Learning - Reading

Where better to start than with Michael Rosen and his wonderful book, 'Play'. Read and do...