May The Force Be With You - Tagtiv8 and Star Wars
Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches have been proven to encourage even the most reluctant children to participate and engage. To many teachers and health professionals, PAL offers a ‘health by stealth approach - offering win/win solutions for both education and health. Here's the latest opportunity to engage children with physical activity - this time with Star Wars! As awareness of childhood inactivity and obesity grows, so too does the range of resources and ideas to make exercise fun. By making exercise inclusive, it provides a way in for pupils that might not consider themselves ‘sporty or ‘athletic.
Earlier this year, we saw the launch of ‘SuperMovers - a series of videos produced by the BBC in conjunction with the Premier League. Initial feedback indicates that the role models from the worlds of television and football are already helping children (and teachers) to activate learning in the classroom. New research has found that 82% of children said that seeing their favourite characters being active inspires them to move more. In addition, 59% of children and 33% of parents say that children would be more active if exercise felt fun. It’s great to see that Public Health England (PHE), in conjunction with Lucas Film and Disney are launching a brand new national Change4Life programme using the excitement of Star Wars to inspire children to get active all year round. A first of its kind, the programme encourages children to ‘Train like a Jedi and is designed to tackle low levels of physical activity amongst children in England.
The programme helps children improve six key Jedi traits & technique, strength, stamina, speed, agility and mastery, all of which have a benefit to their health. The resources include a play-along video starring starring British taekwondo athlete and double Olympic gold medalist Jade Jones. Jade takes on the role of ‘Master Trainer to guide children through a series of Jedi moves, encouraging them to get moving and progress from Padawan to Jedi Grand Master. The film is designed for children to play along anywhere - either alone or in small or large groups with their friends. This will help children meet the daily recommended physical activity guidelines they need for healthy development and to maintain a healthy weight.
Being Active with Star Wars
To tie in with the launch of these wonderful Star Wars resources, here are a few ideas (borrowed from our Tagtiv8 games) to help get you moving & learning...
Lightsaber Times Tables (Paired Activity)
Find a partner. Pick up your imaginary lightsabers. Practise your Times Tables as you practise your ‘fencing.
Lightsaber Number Bonds (Group Activity)
Decide on the number bond to practise (10, 20, 50, 100). Children stand in a circle with one child - the Jedi Knight - in the middle. The Jedi Knight holds an imaginary lightsaber. He/she points the lightsaber at one of the others and says, “Vrummmummmmm FVISH!” and then calls out a number. The child who is hit bobs down. The children on either side of this child have to point their lightsabers at the other person and say the corresponding number bond. Children can lose lives by:
- Not bobbing down quickly enough
- Not saying the corresponding number bond as fast as the other child
- Saying the incorrect number bond
Variations for movement:
- Jedi Knight sideways swipe upper > player hit bobs down
- Jedi Knight sideways swipe lower > player hit jumps up
- Jedi Knight middle jab > player hit swerves to one side
Lightsaber Times Tables (Group Activity)
Decide on the multiplication tables to practise. Children stand in a circle with one child - the Jedi Knight - in the middle. The Jedi Knight holds an imaginary lightsaber. He/she points the lightsaber at one of the others and says, “Vrummmummmmm FVISH!” and then calls out a multiplication question (e.g. 4 x 5). The child who is hit bobs down. The children on either side of this child have to point their lightsabers at the other person and say the corresponding answer. Children can lose lives by:
- Not bobbing down quickly enough
- Not saying the corresponding number bond as fast as the other child
- Saying the incorrect number bond
Variations for movement:
- Jedi Knight sideways swipe upper > player hit bobs down
- Jedi Knight sideways swipe lower > player hit jumps up
- Jedi Knight middle jab > player hit swerves to one side
You could extend this approach into other mathematical areas (e.g. doubles, halves, percentages, decimals & fractions etc). The possibilities are endless. You could even extend the format into other films and characters - Harry Potter and friends with their different wands perhaps? Thanks to Sam Davison, EYFS teacher from Sutton in Craven CE Primary School for this idea and Jennifer Howkins from Water PS for “Wingardium Leviosa!!”
Move Like a Hero - or Villain (Class Activity)
What you need:
- A hoop or bucket for each team
- Scrabble tiles or letter cards
- Mini whiteboards and pens
Split your class into teams. Each team has a hoop or bucket. Scatter the Scrabble tiles or letter cards at the end of the playing area. Children take turns to move in relay to collect one letter at a time and put it into their hoop or bucket. Ask children to travel like:
- a Jedi Knight
- a Storm Trooper
- C-3PO
- R2-D2
- Rey
- BB8
When all the letters have been collected, ask the teams to create words. One point for each word created. One point for each letter in the longest word. Bonus points can be awarded for:
- Star Wars words
- Key Jedi Knight traits that have a benefit to health:
- technique
- strength
- stamina
- speed
- agility
- mastery
Want to Know More? Watch our Videos...
To view some more ideas, click here.
If you have any ideas that will help others ‘Feel the Force', reach out and let us know...
Thanks to Damon Fox from Evolve for suggestions for variations on moves.