Let's Move & Learn Together - Book Out Now

We are really excited! Why? Our friends at Move & Learn have had a book published by award winning Crown House Publishing. To find out more, head this way. It was an honour to provide case studies and research into our active learning approaches. As Ryan Ellis says, "Faster alone - further together." With this in mind, let's move and learn together. Move & Learn together - the book

Positive Reviews for Move & Learn

The book has been really well received by school leaders and teachers alike. Leading educators have also heaped praise on the book. To read the 5 star review in Schools Week, click here.
The book promotes a ‘small steps approach with changes being introduced by a teacher or a whole staff group with regular reviews along the way. There is much emphasis on having the right school culture and ethos so that the approaches have a stronger chance of success. It provides support in how best to achieve this, so it has value beyond the ‘move and learn philosophy and would not be out of place within a leadership course for middle and senior school leaders on improving school culture and ethos.
We agree with the authors' emphasis on the need to move & learn together. Like our approaches, it's very much a case of blending research with practice. Move & Learn provide CPD based around the book. Read more about ways they can support your school here.