Where's The Evidence?
Last October we introduced our character - Tagi - in the article,
'Tagi Helps Tackle Obesity'. Since then we have discovered further research and evidence that backs up what we have held true for so long:
"Children who are physically fit are better at absorbing and retaining new information."
It is never a surprise to us when we hear the comments of teachers co-delivering our Activity Days.
[caption id="attachment_928" align="alignleft" width="497"]

Anecdotal Evidence from Teachers[/caption]
Rather than re-invent the wheel with stats here, look for yourselves...

Visit the following sites, read the reports and take in the compelling, but worrying info-graphics:
In particular, check out the slide sets for physical activity and obesity
Thanks to
Amie Richards BSc for signposting us to recent research...much appreciated. Follow her and the organisations above on Twitter to keep updated.
To find out more about how our Active Learning games and ideas impact on MVPA and academic performance in Mathematics, click
Commenting on the initial research by Leeds Beckett University, Andy Daly-Smith said: “The results showed that pupils who took part in the Tagtiv8 lesson achieved over nine minutes more MVPA compared to the traditional classroom lesson and spent 15 minutes less in sedentary time.
“When it came to assessing whether active learning led to better academic outcomes we saw promising results. Overall, there were small improvements for pupils who learnt in an active way. Further, those pupils who were most active in the Tagtiv8 lessons seemed to have the greatest benefits which suggests activity may play a key role in enhancing learning. Additionally, lower ability children, who took part in the Tagtiv8 lesson maintained their academic performance whereas pupils in the traditional classroom lesson decreased."
“There is strong evidence to support the implementation of Tagtiv8 lessons to increase physical activity during traditional classroom lesson time. One 45-minute Tagtiv8 lesson can provide children with 10 minutes MVPA which is one third of the 30-minute in school Obesity Plan physical activity recommendation."