Evidence of Impact - We Need To Play More

Early Days

During the summer, we trialled some of our TAGTIV8 Number games. We wanted to play but we needed feedback and evidence of impact. The responses from the Learners were really positive, as evidenced by their quotes: “I really enjoyed it. I wish we could do maths like this every day.” "I love Tagtiv8 because it gets my brain active" "Tagtiv8 is fun - it's not like boring maths." The physical and health benefits to Learners playing the TAGTIV8 games are obvious. Playing physical games:
  • promotes healthy growth and development
  • builds strong bones and muscles
  • improves balance and develops skills
  • maintains and develops flexibility
  • helps achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • lowers the risk of obesity and weight-related illnesses
  • improves cardiovascular fitness
  • helps relaxation
  • improves resilience
  • provides opportunities to make friends
  • improves self-esteem
However, we also need to consider this: We know the Learners enjoy themselves, but does the playing of TAGTIV8 games actually have an impact on learning and standards?

Evidence - The Education Endowment Fund

When you look at the work of the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Fund http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/, it would seem that TAGTIV8 Active Learning Games fit into areas that have a measurable impact on standards. Phonics has a moderate impact for very low cost, based on extensive evidence. http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/approaches/phonics The ratings are: £ and  **** with an average impact of +4 months. Sports participation has a moderate impact for moderate cost based on moderate evidence. http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/approaches/sports-participation The ratings are: £££ and ** with an average impact of + 2 months Outdoor adventure learning has a moderate impact for moderate cost, based on limited evidence. http://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/toolkit/approaches/outdoor-adventure-learning The ratings are: £££ and  ** with an average impact of  +3 months Other areas with a high impact that relate to TAGTIV8 in many ways include:
  • the use of effective feedback;
  • meta-cognition and self-regulation.

Scientific Evidence

Searches on the internet provide a wealth of examples demonstrating the impact of exercise on the way in which we engage our brains and learn. Many teachers are familiar with Brain Gym and will vouch for the impact of such activities on their learners. More recently, the Research Team at Zondle have explored the area further and created their wonderful page, ‘The Science Behind...Zondle Team Play (page since deleted). As the number of schools and organisations using TAGTIV8 continues to grow, we will be able to provide further evidence of the impact on Learning and ultimately standards in English and Mathematics. Postscript - view the evidence of impact by Leeds Beckett University here. [caption id="attachment_1184" align="alignnone" width="300"]Evidence MVPA Evidence of Impact[/caption] Please contact us with your success stories so that we may then share them with others.