Conversations with Family, Friends & Community
"It takes a village to raise a child..." is a phrase that resonates with Tagtiv8. To us, it's all about family, friends and community. We surround ourselves with like-minded people, who blend support with provocation. At the end of last year, we met members of the team from Sports Paths in Athens. Since then, the meetings have all been online, with messages on social media. An early conversation with Stratos Alexandropoulos about his work on the island of Tilos prompted a larger conversation between family, friends and community.
Conversations with Family, Friends & Community
What follows is an abridged transcript from January...
Stratos: Tilos is famed for its dragon. The island itself looks like a dragon's head. However, the name of the island always makes me think of Armatilos.
Tagtiv8: As in Armadillos? They are rather cute. They don't live in Greece though. I think they live in South America. Do they live in Argentina, Flor?
Flor, HEI School, San Rafael: Just in the north of the country. Paraguay is more famous for their armadillos.
Tagtiv8: We need a new character to join Tagi and Tiva. How about we create a new one - an armadillo. What do you think, Buzz?
Buzz: Sounds like a great idea to me. I'll get some sketches to you...
Conversations with Family, Friends & Community Continued
What follows is an abridged transcript from early February...
Stratos: I'm really liking the look of the little guy. He even has the same eyebrows as Tagi. Now we need a name for him.
Tagtiv8: Well, we already have Tagi and Tiva. The obvious answer is 8 - TagTiv8! If he was French, we could call him, 'Huit'. And as we all know, 8 on its side is the symbol for infinity - the number of ways you can play our games is infinite.
Flor, HEI School, San Rafael: In Argentina, he would be called 'Ocho'. Stratos: Here in Greece, he would be called 'Octo' - 'Oκτώ'.
Tagtiv8: In that case, he can be called '8' no matter which country he's in.
Buzz: I love the idea! Let's see what '8' will look like now.
What follows is an abridged transcript from mid February...
Stratos: He looks so good. He's even giving a High 4 instead of a High 5.
Tagtiv8: Well, 4 + 4 = 8 and 2 x 4 = 8.
Flor, HEI School, San Rafael: He'll need number tags on his belt. You could go for 3 and 5 but they'd both be yellow.
Tagtiv8: Let's go for a red 24 divided by a yellow 3!
Buzz: Now, let's see how '8' will get on with his friends, family and community. Let's see how this rolls out...
Thank you to everyone involved in this creative process - we couldn't have done it without you. It's all about family, friends and community...