All Systems Go for Tagtiv8

We hope you are well and enjoying yourselves as much as we are.


The idea of TAGTIV8 began at the end of 2012. Since then, in amongst our other work, we have been creating games and activities and trialing them. In other words, we have been playing, having fun, enjoying ourselves…


Don’t get us wrong; it’s not all been giggles and laughs along the way. We have made mistakes, we have stumbled and we have fallen. However, each time we have done so, we have picked ourselves up and continued playing, learning from our mistakes.


Now, after months of Research and Development, we are ready to launch TAGTIV8. Over summer, we have been extremely fortunate to work with Evolve and their XLR8 Camps around the UK. Their incredible teams of Health Mentors and the Learners making the transition from primary to secondary school, provided not just invaluable feedback, but further ideas about how to make a Good idea Outstanding. Thank you to all involved at


So now we have a wide range of games and activities to play for TAGTIV8 Number and TAGTIV8 Word.  These are available for FREE to those of you who buy the TAGTIV8 kits.


We really welcome your feedback on these games and activities. We are the ones with the initial ideas, but it is you who play our games and activities; ultimately they belong to you. Your ideas and suggestions are both wanted and needed. The best ones will be published and shared with others…with mystery prizes awarded throughout the year.


So, be creative, play and share…email with your ideas, words and images.


Before ending our very first TAGTIV8 Newsletter, we would like to take the opportunity to thank the very wonderful and talented people at for helping create our new website. They really have gone ‘above and beyond in order to get us to where we are now. Likewise, we need to thank from for his patience and logos. We wholly recommend these people to you; they are definitely ‘Forces for Good.


Now, “Let’s Get Ready to Scrumble…”


Yours in Active Learning,


The TAGTIV8 Team