A Hundred Creative Connections

One week on from Helsinki Education Week and the HundrED Summit and Tagtiv8 are still buzzing! Why? It’s all about people - with connections between creative ideas and innovations. It’s sometimes hard to explain the HundrED ethos and community, but we think Derek Newton has summed it up brilliantly in this Forbes magazine article. 

There were so many highlights:

We have to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Sarah Bouchie from the Lego Foundation for nudging us towards their key messages of Learning Through Play:

  • Curiosity 
  • Engagement 
  • Collaboration 
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Creativity

Lego and Tagtiv8 - a Shared Ethos

Teachers have often likened Tagtiv8 to Lego as we provide play-based learning opportunities for children of all ages - even 'older children' such as these. Our tags are like Lego pieces - the building blocks of learning. Creativity is essential to Tagtiv8. Want to know more? Read this blog.

Thank You to everyone at HundrED:

as well as Ilona Taimela and the rest of her team at Helsinki Education Week.

Special thanks to Stell Simonton for her Youth Today article.